


「 本课程由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会指导,北京一百易慕特(MOOT)教学研究院研制 」


Ο 以国际先进TESOL(对外英语教学)/TEFL(英语作为外语教学)英语教学理念和教学方法设计专项课程,帮助广大中小学英语教师解决英语教学过程中遇到的语用问题以及授课难点。

Ο 选用知名出版社出版,专业权威的高级口语教材,为广大中小学教师提供生动、地道的英语外教口语课程。

Ο 协助中小学英语教师提高自身业务水平,特别是口语和听力水平,从而有效提高英语教学效率和质量,进一步达到提高学校升学率,培养更多具有健全人文素养和国际视野学生的目标。

Ο 以信息化云智能教学环境(慕特教材)和国际优质教学资源(外教课程)相搭配,将具有跨文化交际元素的口语教程和与国际水平接轨的创新教师技能培训相结合,扩展中小学英语教师文化视野,促进教师授课技能提升。


Ο 班制:10人制小班授课,让每一位参训教师都能与外教充分互动。

Ο 具有专业英语授课( TESOL / TEFL )证书的外籍培训师授课。

Ο 课程中穿插具有国际领先水平的教学技能培训,协助参训教师开展更有创新意识的教研活动。

Ο 参照学校校本课程体系开设课程,上课时间灵活、自如。最终达到私人定制效果。

Ο 采用全新任务型教学法,生动的交互式学习模式。

Ο 通过与外教的全面互动展开话题讨论,与西方文化零距离接触。

Ο 课程结束后经中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会审核合格颁发“继续教育学时证明”及“英语骨干教师高级口语研修班”结业证书。



共20课时 = 16课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 4课时英语教学技能培训课
共40课时 =32课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 8课时英语教学技能培训课
共120课时 =96课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 24课时英语教学技能培训课


共20课时 = 16课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 4课时英语教学技能培训课+2天面授课
共40课时 =32课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 8课时英语教学技能培训课+4天面授课
共120课时 =96课时外教在线话题式口语课 + 24课时英语教学技能培训课+12天面授课

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话题 课时 内容
Relationships 人际关系 2 讨论人际关系;谈论朋友间相处的个人思想感情;
Romance 情感 2 讨论人与人之间的情感话题;异性间的不同情感体验;
Travel 旅游 2 讨论个人在一次旅游中所见的奇闻异事及感受;
Jobs 职业 2 讨论不同职业;处在不同工作岗位的个人感受;人生规划;
Places 地点 2 讨论世界各地不同国家风土人情;某个国家某个城市特点;个人的家乡情怀;
Money 金钱 2 讨论个人的金钱观、消费观、财富积累,以及名人成功事迹;
Points of view 观点 2 讨论对于某件事情的个人观点;某项调查问卷以及采访体验;
Health 健康 2 讨论人类身体健康、疾病;健康饮食、健康起居理念。
话题 课时 内容
Focus on speaking 1 通过讨论组形式完成英语教学中口语教学能力培训
Focus on listening 1 通过讨论组形式完成英语教学中听力教学能力培训
Lesson planning 1 通过讨论组形式完成英语教学中教案设计教学能力培训
Focus on writing 1 通过讨论组形式完成英语教学中写作教学能力培训



Ο 从旅游主题引入;谈论有关个人旅游经历,使老师们融入主题。

Ο 插入课本听力内容,配合相关题目,完成听力练习。(根据两个人关于旅游经历的讨论,对两种不同的旅游方式进行对比并记录细节)

Ο 继续后续话题,对比不同旅行方式并表述个人看法。学员可以和外教自主对话,同时依靠前期的话题进行充分准备,真正实现有真实情境的话题沟通。

Ο 根据听力文本内容进行词汇推测,让学员们进一步理解、积累词汇。


The whole process of a listening class
a listening class=a film shooting    the teacher=the director    students=actors/actresses
引入阶段 将听力课比喻成拍电影,老师是导演,学生是演员。


Ο 听力活动

Pre-listening activities
•  giving the students a title > asking them to predict what will be said >
    1. listening to check their predictions
    2. writing questions they want the text to answer
•  giving the students the key words from the text > asking them to predict the content or topic of the text > listening to check their predictions

A checklist of pre-listening activities
1. The students have to study some visual or reading materials related to the listening text and answer some questions or have a discussion.
2. The students have to make a list of words they suppose are likely to occur in the listening text.
3. The students are given the topic and have to make predictions about the content of the listening text.
4. The teacher gives some background knowledge about the content of the listening text.
5. The new words or expressions are demonstrated and explained by the teacher.
6. The students are asked to predict the language features of the listening text.
7. The students are asked to express their own opinions about the idea to be developed by the listening text.

Ο 听力活动

While-listening activities
•  answering questions
•  filling details in a form
•  labelling a piece of graphic material
•  taking notes
•  correcting something already written
•  taking off items in a list
•  drawing the picture or diagram
•  carrying out the actions
•  arranging events or information in the correct sequence

A checklist of while-listening activities
1. The students tick off from a list the words mentioned in the listening text.
2. The students fill out a form with the information from the listening text.
3. The students note down part of or the whole listening text.
4. The students do some drawings or actions according to the listening text.
5. The students sequence the sentences or paragraphs based on the listening text.
6. The students have to spot and correct errors.
7. The students have to judge whether some statements about the listening text are true or false.
8. After the students have listened to part of the listening text,the teacher stops the recorder and asks them to predict how the text will continue.

Ο 听力活动

Traditional post-listening activities
•  checking the students’ answers
•  pointing out the students’ problems
•  explaining the listening text

A checklist of post-listening activities
1. Choose the best summary from a list of three.
2. Write your own summary of the content of the listening text.
3. Having examined the language expressing certain attitudes and feelings,perform a role-play in which you can
use those expressions to show the same attitudes in a different context.
4. Solve a given set of problems using the information you have learnt from the listening text.
5. Hold a discussion with your group on the topic in the listening text.
6. Act out a role-play between people involved in the listening text.